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Version: release-2.2.0

Standard Protocol

ASE API protocol

1. Overall description

This protocol is oriented to AthenaServing, and it constrains and defines user development and internal business protocols.

2 Application Developer protocol

The protocol is described in json.

2.1 Metadata

Since AI service requests are generally used for data calculation and processing, some basic data needs to be carried in the interaction protocol. This protocol abstracts and binds data. In order to improve adaptability, this protocol enumerates and defines metadata. The basic description of the corresponding data type is defined in the metadata structure, and the description of the K-V single-layer structure is also allowed to be added. When the user defines data, after selecting the data type, the system will actively provide structure fields.

2.1.1 text description

Structure example:

"seq": 1,
"text":"hello word"
encodingText encodingstringValue range can be enumerated
statusData statusintThe value range is 0 (start), 1 (continue), 2 (end), 3 (one transmission)
texttext datastringtext data, base64
seqData serial numberintIndicates the block number of the data, optional
custom1User-defined parameterstring or intUser-defined, first-level parameter
2.1.2 audio description
"seq": 1,
"audio":"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" # 音频数据
encodingAudio encodingstringValue range can be enumerated
statusData statusintThe value range is 0 (start), 1 (continue), 2 (end), 3 (one transmission)
audioaudio datastringis text data, base64
sample_ratesample rateintaudio sample rate, enumerable
channelsnumber of channelsintnumber of channels, enumerable
bit_depthbit depthintunit bit, enumerable
seqData serial numberintIndicates the block number of the data, optional
custom1User-defined parameterstring or intUser-defined, first-level parameter
2.1.3 to be improved

1 image
2 Audio
3 Other binary data, etc.

2.2 Request Protocol Description

It is divided into three parts: platform parameters, capability parameters, and transmission data. The request protocol template is as follows:


Field Description:

headerPlatform parametersObjectParameters used to control platform features, such as appid, etc. This structure has only one level and cannot be modified by developers.
parameterAbility parameterObjectUsed to control the AI engine feature switch. This segment will be transparently transmitted directly to the engine, multi-level structure, structure is determined, unenumerated structure is a first-level structure
payloadinput dataObjectdata used to carry the request, multi-level structure, structure determination
accept_1Input dataObjectUser-defined parameters used to describe the encoding\data format of the returned result, this structure is defined by the attributes defined in the metadata
service_iatInput dataObjectUser-defined, can be the same as accept_1 by default. Used to carry the requested data, multi-level structure, structure determination
2.2.1 Example of single capability and single data
"language": "zh_cn",
"accent": "mandarin"
2.2.2 Example of single capability and multiple data

"language": "zh_cn",
"accent": "mandarin"


Structure description:

  1. The payload is a multi-level structure.
  2. In the case of multiple data, the payload is described by different data IDs as keys, such as data_1, data_2 in the example.
  3. The data ID is user-defined.
2.2.3 Description when multiple data ranges feature

For the return of multiple data streams, the description of multiple data characteristics needs to be specified in the input parameter (parameter section).

"language": "zh_cn",
"accent": "mandarin",


Structure description:

  1. At this time, the parameter is a multi-level structure
  2. In the case of multiple data, parameter uses different IDs as keys to describe different results, such as accept_1, accept_2 in the example
  3. Accept ID is user-defined
2.2.4 Example of multiple capability and multiple data

"language": "zh_cn",
"accent": "mandarin"

"language": "zh_cn",
"accent": "mandarin"



Structure description:

  1. At this time, the parameter is a multi-level structure, and the payload is a multi-level structure at this time.
  2. In the case of multiple data, the parameter uses different capability IDs as keys to describe the feature descriptions of different capabilities, service_1, service_2.
  3. Ability ID is user-defined.
  4. In the case of multiple data, the payload is described by different data IDs as keys, such as service_1_data_1, service_2_data_1, service_2_data_2 in the example.
  5. In this scenario, the data ID is generated by the interface of the orchestration platform.
2.2.5 In streaming scenarios, subsequent packet descriptions

The header and parameter are optional and are generally not carried. Take multiple data as an example:

"sid":"iat000704fa@dx16ade44e4d87a1c802", # optional



Field Description:

sidThe platform returns the session handleObjectReturns the session handle carried in the message, optional

2.3 Back to protocol description

The return protocol defines the computational state of the session, as well as the data segment.

2.3.1 single output description
"code": 0,
"message": "success",
"sid": "iat000704fa@dx16ade44e4d87a1c802"

# This structure is a metadata structure (data) that describes the return result.
"payload": {
"status":0, # Data status
codeerror codeintenumerable
messageerror descriptionstringerror message description
sidThe platform returns the session handleObjectReturns the session handle carried in the message, optional
payloadinput dataObjectused to carry the returned data, see [2.1 Definition of Metadata]("2.1 Definition of Metadata")
2.3.2 Multiple output description
"code": 0,
"message": "success",
"sid": "iat000704fa@dx16ade44e4d87a1c802",



Field Description: Same as [2.3.1 Description of single output]("2.3.1 single output description") Structure description:

  1. At this time, the payload is a multi-level structure.
  2. In the case of multiple data, the payload uses different result IDs as keys to describe different result feature descriptions, such as: result_1, result_2. .
  3. The result ID is user-defined.

2.4 Constraints on System Parameters

2.4.1 header field
app_idApp idstringRequired
ath_id3rd party user IDstringoptional

3.1 routing information

Added session state (SessState) to describe streaming or not

message GlobalRoute {
string session_id = 1; //session id
string trace_id = 2; //trace id
string up_router_id = 3; //Uplink data routing ID
string guider_id = 4; //Dispatch center ID
string down_router_id = 5; //Downlink data routing ID
string appid = 6; //App ID
string uid = 7; //User ID
string did = 8; //device ID
string client_ip = 9; //client ip

SessState session_state = 10; //Add: session state, streaming, non-streaming, STATE is enumeration


3.1 Metadata adjustment

Remove the original format and encoding fields, put the description into the desc_args field, and adjust the original byte type to string type.

message GeneralData {
string data_id = 1; //data number
uint32 frame_id = 2; //Data serial number

// distinguish data types
enum DataType {
TEXT = 0; // text
AUDIO = 1; // audio
IMAGE = 2; // image
VIDEO = 3; // video

DataType data_type = 3; //Data type

//distinguish data state
enum DataStatus {
BEGIN = 0; //begin
CONTINUE = 1; //Follow the stream
END = 2; //end
ONCE = 3; //End of one call

DataStatus status = 4; //Data status

map<string, string> desc_args = 5; //Data description parameters

bytes data = 8; //data content