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Version: 最新版本(unreleased)

AthenaServing Framework (ASF)


Provide a consistent solution for engineering management of AI capabilities for any scenario that requires the use of AI capabilities. Users of AI scenarios in any field can quickly implement their algorithm models into a unified standard HTTP API service.

Framework Introduction

AthenaServing Framework (ASF) AI inference service framework relies on iFLYTEK's years of experience in cloud service of AI algorithm engine and continuous exploration and practice of cloud native. ASF enjoys the convenience and speed of related cloud-native components. AI algorithm engine developers can focus on the evolution and research of the algorithm, and do not need to be distracted in the management of hardware resources and the development and operation of cloud services.

ASF is a serverless and fully managed platform framework for AI algorithm engine specially designed for AI capability developers. You can quickly deploy the AI algorithm engine by integrating the plug-ins provided in ASF, and use network and distribution strategies , data processing and other supporting auxiliary systems. The engine hosting platform is committed to accelerating the cloud service of AI algorithm engines, and provides multiple guarantees for the stability of cloud services with the help of cloud native architecture. Deploy, upgrade, scale, operate, and monitor engines securely.

At present, the deployment of ASF requires developers to master a certain knowledge of K8s, helm, etc., and the installation and deployment depends on the online mirror warehouse and helm repo, which is somewhat weak in the face of offline environment and various operating system deployment requirements. Cluster mirror, images-shim and other solutions allow applications to make offline deployment very smooth without any additional operations. After sealos supports ASF cluster mirroring, anyone can work in any scene and in any environment. Delivers ASF that pulls up an ASF environment with just one command. Users can centrally deploy their AI capabilities on the ASF framework and provide HTTP APIs to the outside world.

What is AIGES

AIGES is the core component of ASF, the Chinese name loader. Mainly responsible for converting the user's reasoning code (according to established standards) into grpc/http services.

  • AIGES and Language Wrapper
  • C/C++ Wrapper

  • Python Wrapper


AI capabilities ultimately need to be implemented into engineering, and some companies lack a unified standard AI engineering solution.

Solve the problem

  • There are many AI capabilities, no standard
  • The AI capability service is online, and there is a lot of redundant work in the service process
  • No AI engineering team
  • No final standard service agreement


  • Optimized XRPC framework based on GRPC
  • Definition of unified standard service agreement
  • Hundred billions of PV traffic polishing
  • Support multiple load balancing strategies
  • Add support for Python code inference *...

Framework Architecture


Framework installation


Prepare a test machine (4c8G), hard disk >=20G


  1. Install sealos.4.0
$ wget -c -O sealos &&  chmod +x sealos && mv sealos /usr/bin
  1. Create a cluster
$ sealos run labring/kubernetes:v1.19.16 labring/calico:v3.22.1   --masters -p <password>

  • Install helm
$ sealos run labring/helm:v3.8.2 
  • Install openebs
$ sealos run labring/openebs:v1.9.0 

$ sealos run
  1. HTTP call AI demo capability MMOCR capability

MMOCR is an open source toolbox based on PyTorch and mmdetection, focusing on text detection, text recognition and corresponding downstream tasks such as key information extraction. It is part of the OpenMMLab project. Project address in []( master/demo/mmocr/wrapper/, we use python to easily encapsulate text + detection and recognition ability into A capability that can be deployed into ASF as an HTTP API. After deploying ASF using Sealos, you can use the following script to modify the url value to complete the call to the MMOCR (text + detection) AI capability.

import requests
import json
import base64

image = open("demo_text_det.jpg","rb")
img = base64.b64encode(

url = "http://<your nodeIP>:30889/mmocr"
url = "http://<your nodeIP:30889/v1/private/mmocr"
method = "POST"
headers = {"Content-Type":"application/json"}
data = {
"header": {
"app_id": "123456",
"uid": "39769795890",
"did": "SR082321940000200",
"imei": "8664020318693660",
"imsi": "4600264952729100",
"mac": "6c:92:bf:65:c6:14",
"net_type": "wifi",
"net_isp": "CMCC",
"status": 3,
"request_id": None
"parameter": {
"mmocr": {
"category": "ai_category",
"application_mode": "common_gpu",
"gpu_id": "first",
"gpu_type": "T4G16",
"boxes": {
"encoding": "utf8",
"compress": "raw",
"format": "json"
"payload": {
"data": {
"encoding": "jpg",
"image": img.decode("utf-8"),
"status": 3

# call the http api.
resp =,headers=headers,data=json.dumps(data))


if resp.status_code != 200:


result = resp.json()['payload']['boxes']['text']
print("HTTP API response is : %s "% str(result))


for box in result[0].get("result"):

msg = "MMocr Result: box located at {box}, box score is {box_score}. Detected text is {text} , text score is {text_score}..."

Call and return result

cd /var/lib/sealos/data/default/rootfs/athenaserving/charts/mmocr_ase
# Modify the url part in to nodeIP
HTTP API response is : [{'filename': '0', 'result': [{'box': [190, 37, 253, 31, 254, 46, 191, 52], 'box_score': 0.9566415548324585, 'text': 'nboroughofs', 'text_score': 1.0}, {'box': [253, 47, 257, 36, 287, 47, 282, 58], 'box_score': 0.9649642705917358, 'text': 'fsouthw', 'text_score': 1.0}, {'box': [157, 59, 188, 41, 194, 52, 163, 70], 'box_score': 0.9521175622940063, 'text': 'londond', 'text_score': 0.9897959183673469}, {'box': [280, 58, 286, 50, 306, 67, 300, 74], 'box_score': 0.9397556781768799, 'text': 'thwark', 'text_score': 1.0}, {'box': [252, 78, 295, 78, 295, 98, 252, 98], 'box_score': 0.9694718718528748, 'text': 'hill', 'text_score': 1.0}, {'box': [165, 78, 247, 78, 247, 99, 165, 99], 'box_score': 0.9548642039299011, 'text': 'octavia', 'text_score': 1.0}, {'box': [164, 105, 215, 103, 216, 121, 165, 123], 'box_score': 0.9806956052780151, 'text': 'social', 'text_score': 1.0}, {'box': [219, 104, 294, 104, 294, 122, 219, 122], 'box_score': 0.9688025116920471, 'text': 'reformer', 'text_score': 1.0}, {'box': [150, 124, 226, 124, 226, 141, 150, 141], 'box_score': 0.9752051830291748, 'text': 'established', 'text_score': 1.0}, {'box': [229, 124, 255, 124, 255, 140, 229, 140], 'box_score': 0.94972825050354, 'text': 'this', 'text_score': 1.0}, {'box': [259, 125, 305, 123, 306, 139, 260, 142], 'box_score': 0.9752089977264404, 'text': 'garden', 'text_score': 1.1666666666666667}, {'box': [166, 142, 193, 141, 194, 156, 167, 157], 'box_score': 0.9731062650680542, 'text': 'hall', 'text_score': 1.0}, {'box': [198, 142, 223, 142, 223, 156, 198, 156], 'box_score': 0.9548938870429993, 'text': 'and', 'text_score': 1.0}, {'box': [228, 144, 286, 144, 286, 159, 228, 159], 'box_score': 0.977089524269104, 'text': 'cottages', 'text_score': 1.25}, {'box': [180, 158, 205, 158, 205, 172, 180, 172], 'box_score': 0.9400062561035156, 'text': 'and', 'text_score': 1.0}, {'box': [210, 160, 279, 158, 279, 172, 210, 174], 'box_score': 0.9543584585189819, 'text': 'pioneered', 'text_score': 1.0}, {'box': [226, 176, 277, 176, 277, 188, 226, 188], 'box_score': 0.9748533964157104, 'text': 'cadets', 'text_score': 1.0}, {'box': [183, 177, 223, 177, 223, 189, 183, 189], 'box_score': 0.9633153676986694, 'text': 'army', 'text_score': 1.0}, {'box': [201, 190, 235, 190, 235, 204, 201, 204], 'box_score': 0.9714152216911316, 'text': '1887', 'text_score': 1.25}, {'box': [175, 213, 180, 201, 211, 212, 206, 225], 'box_score': 0.9704344868659973, 'text': 'vted', 'text_score': 0.9191176470588236}, {'box': [241, 213, 278, 200, 283, 213, 246, 227], 'box_score': 0.9607459902763367, 'text': 'epeople', 'text_score': 1.0}, {'box': [208, 224, 210, 212, 223, 214, 220, 227], 'box_score': 0.9337806701660156, 'text': 'by', 'text_score': 1.0}, {'box': [223, 214, 240, 214, 240, 226, 223, 226], 'box_score': 0.969144344329834, 'text': 'the', 'text_score': 1.0}]}]
MMocr Result: box located at [190, 37, 253, 31, 254, 46, 191, 52], box score is 0.9566415548324585. Detected text is nboroughofs , text score is 1.0...
MMocr Result: box located at [253, 47, 257, 36, 287, 47, 282, 58], box score is 0.9649642705917358. Detected text is fsouthw , text score is 1.0...
MMocr Result: box located at [157, 59, 188, 41, 194, 52, 163, 70], box score is 0.9521175622940063. Detected text is londond , text score is 0.9897959183673469...
MMocr Result: box located at [280, 58, 286, 50, 306, 67, 300, 74], box score is 0.9397556781768799. Detected text is thwark , text score is 1.0...
MMocr Result: box located at [252, 78, 295, 78, 295, 98, 252, 98], box score is 0.9694718718528748. Detected text is hill , text score is 1.0...
MMocr Result: box located at [165, 78, 247, 78, 247, 99, 165, 99], box score is 0.9548642039299011. Detected text is octavia , text score is 1.0...
MMocr Result: box located at [164, 105, 215, 103, 216, 121, 165, 123], box score is 0.9806956052780151. Detected text is social , text score is 1.0...
MMocr Result: box located at [219, 104, 294, 104, 294, 122, 219, 122], box score is 0.9688025116920471. Detected text is reformer , text score is 1.0...
MMocr Result: box located at [150, 124, 226, 124, 226, 141, 150, 141], box score is 0.9752051830291748. Detected text is established , text score is 1.0...
MMocr Result: box located at [229, 124, 255, 124, 255, 140, 229, 140], box score is 0.94972825050354. Detected text is this , text score is 1.0...
MMocr Result: box located at [259, 125, 305, 123, 306, 139, 260, 142], box score is 0.9752089977264404. Detected text is garden , text score is 1.1666666666666667...
MMocr Result: box located at [166, 142, 193, 141, 194, 156, 167, 157], box score is 0.9731062650680542. Detected text is hall , text score is 1.0...
MMocr Result: box located at [198, 142, 223, 142, 223, 156, 198, 156], box score is 0.9548938870429993. Detected text is and , text score is 1.0...
MMocr Result: box located at [228, 144, 286, 144, 286, 159, 228, 159], box score is 0.977089524269104. Detected text is cottages , text score is 1.25...
MMocr Result: box located at [180, 158, 205, 158, 205, 172, 180, 172], box score is 0.9400062561035156. Detected text is and , text score is 1.0...
MMocr Result: box located at [210, 160, 279, 158, 279, 172, 210, 174], box score is 0.9543584585189819. Detected text is pioneered , text score is 1.0...
MMocr Result: box located at [226, 176, 277, 176, 277, 188, 226, 188], box score is 0.9748533964157104. Detected text is cadets , text score is 1.0...
MMocr Result: box located at [183, 177, 223, 177, 223, 189, 183, 189], box score is 0.9633153676986694. Detected text is army , text score is 1.0...
MMocr Result: box located at [201, 190, 235, 190, 235, 204, 201, 204], box score is 0.9714152216911316. Detected text is 1887 , text score is 1.25...
MMocr Result: box located at [175, 213, 180, 201, 211, 212, 206, 225], box score is 0.9704344868659973. Detected text is vted , text score is 0.9191176470588236...
MMocr Result: box located at [241, 213, 278, 200, 283, 213, 246, 227], box score is 0.9607459902763367. Detected text is epeople , text score is 1.0...
MMocr Result: box located at [208, 224, 210, 212, 223, 214, 220, 227], box score is 0.9337806701660156. Detected text is by , text score is 1.0...
MMocr Result: box located at [223, 214, 240, 214, 240, 226, 223, 226], box score is 0.969144344329834. Detected text is the , text score is 1.0...

Integrate access to your custom AI capabilities

For new AI capabilities, you need to develop and build your AI capability image according to the loader specification, and then deploy it to the cluster.

How to build your custom AI capability image, please refer to: Quick build

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