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FedNova Strategy


According to the article Tackling the Objective Inconsistency Problem in Heterogeneous Federated Optimization , we implement FedNova aggregation algorithm.

The complete source code reference for this example fednova.

To start a FedNova server

strategy = message_type.STRATEGY_FEDNOVA # define server type

server = AggregateServer(args.addr, strategy, args.num)
python iflearner/business/homo/ -n 2 --strategy FedNova 

To start a client

See how to use

FedNova involves the number of samples on the client side (sample_num) and the number of times each round of training optimizations (batch_num), so the Trainer.config method needs to be override to return these two values

def config(self) -> dict():

    return {
        "batch_num": len(self._train_loader),
        "sample_num": len(self._train_loader) * self._train_loader.batch_size,

FedNova also needs to override the Trainer.get method to return the difference between the client current model and the previous round model.

def get(self, param_type=""):
        parameters = dict()
        for name, p in self._model.named_parameters():
            if p.requires_grad:
                parameters[name.replace("module.", "")] = (
                    - self._old_weights[name].cpu().detach().numpy()

        return parameters