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Run In Container

Run IFLearner in the container

We can use containerization technology to run IFLearner in Docker and Jupyterlab.


Docker is a package of Linux containers that provides an easy-to-use container interface. It is currently the most popular Linux container solution.

Docker packages the application and the program's dependencies in a single file. Running this file will generate a virtual container. Programs run in this virtual container as if they were running on a real physical machine. With Docker, you don't have to worry about the environment.

You can find some of our examples and tutorials in iflearner project's ./enviroment/docker directory.


JupyterLab is Jupyter's latest data science production tool, and in a sense, it appeared to replace Jupyter Notebook. But don't worry that Jupyter Notebook will disappear, JupyterLab includes all the features of Jupyter Notebook.

JupyterLab is a web-based integrated development environment, you can use it to write notebooks, operate terminals, edit markdown text, open interactive mode, view csv files and pictures and other functions.

You can find some of our examples and tutorials in iflearner project's ./enviroment/jupyterlab directory.