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Startup Option

Startup Options


You need import parser from firstly and then call parser.parse_args, because we provided some common arguments that need to be parsered. If you want to add addtional arguments for yourself, you can call parser.add_argument repeatedly to add them before parser.parse_args has been called. After parsered arguments, you can create your trainer instance base on previous implemented class, and put it with args to train_client.Controller. In the end, you just need call to run your client.

The list of client default options is as follows:

option type describe default
name str name of client client
epochs int number of total epochs to run 10
server str the address of connecting aggerating server localhost:50001
enable-ll int enable local training (1 、 0) 0
peers str enabled SMPC if the argument had specified. all clients' addresses and use semicolon separate all addresses. First one is your own address.
cert str path of server SSL cert. use secure channel to connect to server if not none


The list of server options is as follows:

option type describe default
num int the number of all clients 0
epochs int the total epoch
addr str The aggregation server itself listens to the address (used for client connections) ""
http_addr str Federation training status listening address (for viewing federation training status) ""
strategy str the aggregation starategy (FedAvg、Scaffold、FedOpt、qFedAvg、FedNova) FedAvg
strategy_params dict specify the params of strategy {}