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HomoClient(server_addr, party_name, cert_path=None)

Bases: base_client.BaseClient

Implement homogeneous client base on base_client.BaseClient.

Source code in iflearner/communication/homo/
def __init__(
    self, server_addr: str, party_name: str, cert_path: str = None
) -> None:
    super().__init__(server_addr, cert_path)
    self._party_name = party_name
    self._strategy: strategy_client.StrategyClient = None  # type: ignore


Receive notifications from the server regularly.

Source code in iflearner/communication/homo/
def notice(self) -> None:
    """Receive notifications from the server regularly."""
    while True:
        start = timeit.default_timer()

        req = base_pb2.BaseRequest(party_name=self._party_name)
        resp = self._callback(req)
        if resp.code != 0:
            raise HomoException(
                code=HomoException.HomoResponseCode(resp.code), message=resp.message

        if resp.type == message_type.MSG_AGGREGATE_RESULT:
            data = homo_pb2.AggregateResult()
        elif resp.type == message_type.MSG_NOTIFY_TRAINING:
        elif resp.type in self._strategy.custom_handlers:
            self._strategy.custom_handlers[resp.type]()  # type: ignore

        if resp.type != "":
            stop = timeit.default_timer()
                f"IN: party: message type: {resp.type}, time: {1000 * (stop - start)}ms"


transport(type, data=None)

Transport data to server.

Source code in iflearner/communication/homo/
def transport(self, type: str, data: Any = None) -> homo_pb2.RegistrationResponse:
    """Transport data to server."""
    start = timeit.default_timer()

    req = base_pb2.BaseRequest(party_name=self._party_name, type=type)
    if data is not None: = data.SerializeToString()

    resp = None
    if type == message_type.MSG_REGISTER:
        resp = self._send(req)
    elif type == message_type.MSG_CLIENT_READY:
        resp = self._send(req)
    elif type == message_type.MSG_UPLOAD_PARAM:
        resp = self._post(req)
    elif type == message_type.MSG_COMPLETE:
        resp = self._send(req)

    stop = timeit.default_timer()"OUT: message type: {type}, time: {1000 * (stop - start)}ms")

    if resp.code != 0:  # type: ignore
        raise HomoException(
            code=HomoException.HomoResponseCode(resp.code), message=resp.message  # type: ignore

    if type == message_type.MSG_REGISTER:
        data = homo_pb2.RegistrationResponse()
        data.ParseFromString(  # type: ignore
        return data