
AthenaServing Framework (ASF)

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给任何有需要使用AI能力的场景,提供一致的工程化管理AI能力的方案。任何领域的AI场景的用户,都可以快速的将其算法模型落地成统一标准的HTTP API服务。


AthenaServing Framework(下简称ASF) AI推理服务框架依托科大讯飞多年的AI算法引擎云服务化经验及云原生的不断探索实践,不仅可以满足引擎云服务化后,服务的稳定性,也可以通过ASF 享受到相关云原生组件的方便与快捷。AI算法引擎开发者可以专注于算法的演进与研究,无需分心进行硬件资源的管理及云服务化的诸多开发运维工作。

ASF是一个专为AI能力开发者打造的AI算法引擎的无服务全托管式平台框架,您可以通过集成 ASF 中提供的插件,快速的部署AI算法引擎,并使用网络、分发策略、数据处理等配套辅助系统。引擎托管平台致力于加速AI算法引擎云服务化,并借助云原生架构,为云服务的稳定提供多重保障,您无需关注底层基础设施及服务化相关的开发、治理和运维,即可高效、安全对引擎进行部署、升级、扩缩、运营和监控。

目前部署 ASF 需要开发者掌握一定的K8s、helm 等相关知识,且安装部署依赖在线镜像仓库和 helm repo,在离线环境、各式各样的操作系统部署的需求面前有些乏力,sealos 以其集群镜像images-shim 等方案让应用可以让离线部署变得非常丝滑,无需任何额外操作,sealos 支持了 ASF 集群镜像后,让任何人在任何场景、任何环境无障碍交付 ASF , 仅需一条命令即可拉起一个 ASF 环境。用户可以在 ASF 框架上集中部署自己的AI能力,对外提供HTTP API。


AIGESASF核心的组件,中文名称加载器。主要负责将用户的推理代码(按照既定标准)转换成 grpc/http 服务

  • AIGES 与 Language Wrapper
  • C/C++ Wrapper

  • Python Wrapper




  • AI能力服务化多,无标准
  • AI能力服务上线,服务化过程存在大量冗余工作
  • 无AI工程化团队
  • 无最终标准服务协议


  • 基于GRPC优化后的XRPC框架
  • 统一标准服务协议定义
  • 千亿PV流量打磨
  • 支持多种负载均衡策略
  • 新增支持Python代码推理
  • ...







  1. 安装sealos.4.0
$ wget -c https://sealyun-home.oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com/sealos-4.0/latest/sealos-amd64 -O sealos &&  chmod +x sealos && mv sealos /usr/bin
  1. 创建集群
$ sealos run labring/kubernetes:v1.19.16 labring/calico:v3.22.1   --masters -p <password>

  • Install helm
$ sealos run labring/helm:v3.8.2 
  • Install openebs
$ sealos run labring/openebs:v1.9.0 

$ sealos run registry.cn-qingdao.aliyuncs.com/labring/athenaserving:v2.0.0rc1
  1. HTTP 调用AI demo能力 MMOCR能力

MMOCR 是基于PyTorch 和mmdetection 的开源工具箱,专注于文本检测,文本识别以及相应的下游任务,如关键信息提取。 它是OpenMMLab 项目的一部分。项目地址wrapper.py 中,我们使用python轻而易举的将 文本+检测识别能力封装成为一个可部署到 ASF中部署成为HTTP API的能力。 使用Sealos 部署完 ASF 后, 您可以使用如下脚本, 修改其中的url值,即可完成调用 MMOCR(文本+检测)AI能力。

import requests
import json
import base64

image = open("demo_text_det.jpg","rb")
img = base64.b64encode(image.read())

url = "http://<your nodeIP>:30889/mmocr"
url = "http://<your nodeIP:30889/v1/private/mmocr"
method = "POST"
headers = {"Content-Type":"application/json"}
data = {
"header": {
"app_id": "123456",
"uid": "39769795890",
"did": "SR082321940000200",
"imei": "8664020318693660",
"imsi": "4600264952729100",
"mac": "6c:92:bf:65:c6:14",
"net_type": "wifi",
"net_isp": "CMCC",
"status": 3,
"request_id": None
"parameter": {
"mmocr": {
"category": "ai_category",
"application_mode": "common_gpu",
"gpu_id": "first",
"gpu_type": "T4G16",
"boxes": {
"encoding": "utf8",
"compress": "raw",
"format": "json"
"payload": {
"data": {
"encoding": "jpg",
"image": img.decode("utf-8"),
"status": 3

# call the http api.
resp = requests.post(url,headers=headers,data=json.dumps(data))


if resp.status_code != 200:


result = resp.json()['payload']['boxes']['text']
print("HTTP API response is : %s "% str(result))


for box in result[0].get("result"):

msg = "MMocr Result: box located at {box}, box score is {box_score}. Detected text is {text} , text score is {text_score}..."


cd /var/lib/sealos/data/default/rootfs/athenaserving/charts/mmocr_ase
# 修改 demo.py中的 url部分为 nodeIP
python3 demo.py


HTTP API response is : [{'filename': '0', 'result': [{'box': [190, 37, 253, 31, 254, 46, 191, 52], 'box_score': 0.9566415548324585, 'text': 'nboroughofs', 'text_score': 1.0}, {'box': [253, 47, 257, 36, 287, 47, 282, 58], 'box_score': 0.9649642705917358, 'text': 'fsouthw', 'text_score': 1.0}, {'box': [157, 59, 188, 41, 194, 52, 163, 70], 'box_score': 0.9521175622940063, 'text': 'londond', 'text_score': 0.9897959183673469}, {'box': [280, 58, 286, 50, 306, 67, 300, 74], 'box_score': 0.9397556781768799, 'text': 'thwark', 'text_score': 1.0}, {'box': [252, 78, 295, 78, 295, 98, 252, 98], 'box_score': 0.9694718718528748, 'text': 'hill', 'text_score': 1.0}, {'box': [165, 78, 247, 78, 247, 99, 165, 99], 'box_score': 0.9548642039299011, 'text': 'octavia', 'text_score': 1.0}, {'box': [164, 105, 215, 103, 216, 121, 165, 123], 'box_score': 0.9806956052780151, 'text': 'social', 'text_score': 1.0}, {'box': [219, 104, 294, 104, 294, 122, 219, 122], 'box_score': 0.9688025116920471, 'text': 'reformer', 'text_score': 1.0}, {'box': [150, 124, 226, 124, 226, 141, 150, 141], 'box_score': 0.9752051830291748, 'text': 'established', 'text_score': 1.0}, {'box': [229, 124, 255, 124, 255, 140, 229, 140], 'box_score': 0.94972825050354, 'text': 'this', 'text_score': 1.0}, {'box': [259, 125, 305, 123, 306, 139, 260, 142], 'box_score': 0.9752089977264404, 'text': 'garden', 'text_score': 1.1666666666666667}, {'box': [166, 142, 193, 141, 194, 156, 167, 157], 'box_score': 0.9731062650680542, 'text': 'hall', 'text_score': 1.0}, {'box': [198, 142, 223, 142, 223, 156, 198, 156], 'box_score': 0.9548938870429993, 'text': 'and', 'text_score': 1.0}, {'box': [228, 144, 286, 144, 286, 159, 228, 159], 'box_score': 0.977089524269104, 'text': 'cottages', 'text_score': 1.25}, {'box': [180, 158, 205, 158, 205, 172, 180, 172], 'box_score': 0.9400062561035156, 'text': 'and', 'text_score': 1.0}, {'box': [210, 160, 279, 158, 279, 172, 210, 174], 'box_score': 0.9543584585189819, 'text': 'pioneered', 'text_score': 1.0}, {'box': [226, 176, 277, 176, 277, 188, 226, 188], 'box_score': 0.9748533964157104, 'text': 'cadets', 'text_score': 1.0}, {'box': [183, 177, 223, 177, 223, 189, 183, 189], 'box_score': 0.9633153676986694, 'text': 'army', 'text_score': 1.0}, {'box': [201, 190, 235, 190, 235, 204, 201, 204], 'box_score': 0.9714152216911316, 'text': '1887', 'text_score': 1.25}, {'box': [175, 213, 180, 201, 211, 212, 206, 225], 'box_score': 0.9704344868659973, 'text': 'vted', 'text_score': 0.9191176470588236}, {'box': [241, 213, 278, 200, 283, 213, 246, 227], 'box_score': 0.9607459902763367, 'text': 'epeople', 'text_score': 1.0}, {'box': [208, 224, 210, 212, 223, 214, 220, 227], 'box_score': 0.9337806701660156, 'text': 'by', 'text_score': 1.0}, {'box': [223, 214, 240, 214, 240, 226, 223, 226], 'box_score': 0.969144344329834, 'text': 'the', 'text_score': 1.0}]}]
MMocr Result: box located at [190, 37, 253, 31, 254, 46, 191, 52], box score is 0.9566415548324585. Detected text is nboroughofs , text score is 1.0...
MMocr Result: box located at [253, 47, 257, 36, 287, 47, 282, 58], box score is 0.9649642705917358. Detected text is fsouthw , text score is 1.0...
MMocr Result: box located at [157, 59, 188, 41, 194, 52, 163, 70], box score is 0.9521175622940063. Detected text is londond , text score is 0.9897959183673469...
MMocr Result: box located at [280, 58, 286, 50, 306, 67, 300, 74], box score is 0.9397556781768799. Detected text is thwark , text score is 1.0...
MMocr Result: box located at [252, 78, 295, 78, 295, 98, 252, 98], box score is 0.9694718718528748. Detected text is hill , text score is 1.0...
MMocr Result: box located at [165, 78, 247, 78, 247, 99, 165, 99], box score is 0.9548642039299011. Detected text is octavia , text score is 1.0...
MMocr Result: box located at [164, 105, 215, 103, 216, 121, 165, 123], box score is 0.9806956052780151. Detected text is social , text score is 1.0...
MMocr Result: box located at [219, 104, 294, 104, 294, 122, 219, 122], box score is 0.9688025116920471. Detected text is reformer , text score is 1.0...
MMocr Result: box located at [150, 124, 226, 124, 226, 141, 150, 141], box score is 0.9752051830291748. Detected text is established , text score is 1.0...
MMocr Result: box located at [229, 124, 255, 124, 255, 140, 229, 140], box score is 0.94972825050354. Detected text is this , text score is 1.0...
MMocr Result: box located at [259, 125, 305, 123, 306, 139, 260, 142], box score is 0.9752089977264404. Detected text is garden , text score is 1.1666666666666667...
MMocr Result: box located at [166, 142, 193, 141, 194, 156, 167, 157], box score is 0.9731062650680542. Detected text is hall , text score is 1.0...
MMocr Result: box located at [198, 142, 223, 142, 223, 156, 198, 156], box score is 0.9548938870429993. Detected text is and , text score is 1.0...
MMocr Result: box located at [228, 144, 286, 144, 286, 159, 228, 159], box score is 0.977089524269104. Detected text is cottages , text score is 1.25...
MMocr Result: box located at [180, 158, 205, 158, 205, 172, 180, 172], box score is 0.9400062561035156. Detected text is and , text score is 1.0...
MMocr Result: box located at [210, 160, 279, 158, 279, 172, 210, 174], box score is 0.9543584585189819. Detected text is pioneered , text score is 1.0...
MMocr Result: box located at [226, 176, 277, 176, 277, 188, 226, 188], box score is 0.9748533964157104. Detected text is cadets , text score is 1.0...
MMocr Result: box located at [183, 177, 223, 177, 223, 189, 183, 189], box score is 0.9633153676986694. Detected text is army , text score is 1.0...
MMocr Result: box located at [201, 190, 235, 190, 235, 204, 201, 204], box score is 0.9714152216911316. Detected text is 1887 , text score is 1.25...
MMocr Result: box located at [175, 213, 180, 201, 211, 212, 206, 225], box score is 0.9704344868659973. Detected text is vted , text score is 0.9191176470588236...
MMocr Result: box located at [241, 213, 278, 200, 283, 213, 246, 227], box score is 0.9607459902763367. Detected text is epeople , text score is 1.0...
MMocr Result: box located at [208, 224, 210, 212, 223, 214, 220, 227], box score is 0.9337806701660156. Detected text is by , text score is 1.0...
MMocr Result: box located at [223, 214, 240, 214, 240, 226, 223, 226], box score is 0.969144344329834. Detected text is the , text score is 1.0...


新的AI能力,需要您按照加载器规范,开发并构建出您的 AI能力镜像,之后即可部署到集群。

如何构建您的自定义AI能力镜像,请参考: 快速构建wrapper.py


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